#LittleDoggiesThinkingBig started back in 2011, when we collected energy bar wrappers, and sent them to Terracyle to earn points. Those points were redeemed, and the $$$ raised went to several charities.
After Terracycle became difficult to work with (too high of a collection number for a fraction of the points), we began looking for other places on the internet where we can be of better help. (Luckily, there are soooooo many places to choose from!)
After Terracycle became difficult to work with (too high of a collection number for a fraction of the points), we began looking for other places on the internet where we can be of better help. (Luckily, there are soooooo many places to choose from!)
- "Teacher's Wish Lists" (2019 - Present)
The main concept behind #LittleDoggiesThinkingBig is simple: Two little cartoon puppies who like to do things bigger than themselves. They try to help, because they like to help.